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'La Rupture' our high quality 2008 white wine has been selected by the celebrated 'Revue du Vin de France' as one of the 400 best vintages tasted in 2009. You can find the tasting notes in the special edition of the November issue.

We are proud of our exploits and are full of energy to tackle the end of the year.

download the review:

We have chosen to seal our bottles with the new 'Diams' corks from the company Oneo bouchage located in Ceret in the Pyrenees.
The number of bottles 'corked' on the market has become unacceptable, corking spoils our work and your pleasure.
Diams is the only cork guaranteed without TCA (responsible for the taste of the cork). Totally ecological, it uses high quality cork fall critically treated with carbon gas.
If you would like to know more please visit their website: oeneo-bouchage.com

Domaine Turner Pageot